
This author has asked to remain anonymous due to the sensitivity of this topic or to protect other parties involved.

Dear Party Mom, Can I Leave My Kids?

It has come to my attention... er, I am making it come to attention that we are not being clear when it comes to the attendance of adults at kids' birthday parties. So, let’s...

Dear Mother-In-Law

Dear Mother-In-Law, It's time to put on our big girl pants, sit up straight, and lay our cards on the table because this is the last amount of effort you'll see from me. For the...
front office

Confessions From the School Front Office

The front office of an elementary school is a challenging, fast-paced, exhausting place to work, but it’s also rewarding in ways I never thought possible. I remember when COVID first started, there was this...

True Life: My Friend Committed Suicide

My mother always told me to never give up, and even on my worst day, tomorrow would be better. That was her own way of teaching me about suicide — and that it's never...
my kid is gay

I Couldn’t Care Less If My Kid Is Gay

There was no “defining moment,” like dressing in drag or preferring to play with Barbies or crushing on Bieber, but by the time he was in middle school, I started to suspect my son...

Divorce Diaries: The Beginning, The Purgatory, The Silver Lining Ending

The Beginning I was today years old when I signed my very first lease with just my signature. There were no co-signers like in college, and I was not listed as secondary — as I...
medical marijuana

True Life: I Use Medical Marijuana

Your parents were right, marijuana is a gateway drug... to easing your adult anxiety. It started when CBD first hit my nervous system and started to ease a lot of my anxiety in a manner...
returning to the office

An Open Letter to My Employer About Returning to the Office

Dear Employer, I just want to thank you for recognizing how our company’s staff kept us in business through the pandemic. When you asked us to work from home, we did. When you asked us...

I Need Meds to Parent (and That’s Okay)

In high school, I probably had some slight depression and anxiety. Back in the day, there was no social media though, and no one really talked about mental health in teenagers. In retrospect, after...

The Day That Changed Our Lives Forever

It was an unseasonably freezing cold day, five days after Christmas, when our lives were changed forever. The unexpected happened, and we lost one of the few we love the most. The most wonderful...

The Kids No One Wants

November is National Adoption Month, so there's lots of talk about surrounding giving children homes and families, who otherwise don't have them. But let's be honest: When people talk about adoption, they mean babies....

Dear Parent, From a Teacher: Here’s How It’s Really Going At School

How’s the start of the school year treating you? In today’s environment, that’s about as welcoming a question for a teacher as asking a pregnant woman how she’s feeling or inquiring about the job...