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Watching my 8-year-old daughter grapple with perfectionism has deeply affected me as a parent. She feels a great deal of pressure to perform flawlessly in every aspect of her life. One vivid memory is of a routine morning drive...
Support our local businesses AND treat the mom in your life to a day she deserves. Read on for a few of our Jacksonville Mom faves — from sweet treats and caffeine fixes to gift packages and pampering, we've...
I never watched Gilmore Girls the first time it aired. It ran in 2000, right when I was graduating from college and was going through the ugly transition into the real world, getting a real job. I was too...
Dear Husbands, It's not much of a surprise that relationships between married women and their mothers-in-law can be... well, complicated. And perhaps the holiday that encompasses that the most is Mother's Day. And guys, we know: You're really, really caught...
Here we go again like clockwork. It’s the week before my period, and I feel like a bloated, anxious, ugly, mad monster who barely knows who I am. The week leading up to the monthly fun has become a...
It's that time of year again when we are all set to celebrate the star of the show: YOU! Mamas, it's time to kick back, relax, and enjoy all the things in your honor. We've got you covered with...